Centralia High School is located at 2100 E. Calumet St in Centralia, IL. For more information about the high school, please visit their website: http://centraliahs.org
The Band Department offers students several different performing ensembles. These ensembles include the Marching Showcase, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Pep Band, and Jazz Band.
Students in band may also be a member of the Pit Ensemble for our Musicals, participate in ILMEA District/State Festivals, compete in IHSA Solo & Ensemble, May Fete Ensemble or take part in local festivals and clinics.
We also offer a Rock 101 class and a Music Theory Class. Rock 101 is an auditioned group that meets during school. The students learn, rehearse, research, and perform various styles of rock music. The Music Theory class is only eligible for Juniors and Seniors who participate in a performing ensemble.