Constitution & By-Laws
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be the Performing Arts Boosters Association. The abbreviation will be PAB.
Section 1
To encourage meaningful learning experiences through an effective performing arts program.
Section 2
To assist school personnel in any manner that is beneficial to the organization and to the learning of music by the students.
Section 3
To improve communication between home and school so that parents, teachers, and administrators may cooperate intelligently in the musical development and training of the students.
Section 1
This Association shall be non-sectarian, non-partisan, and non-commercial. No candidate shall be endorsed by this Association.
Section 2
This Association shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to control its policies.
Section 1
Membership shall be open to all performing arts parents and guardians.
Section 2
All members shall have the right to hold office in the Association.
Section 3
There will be no membership dues.
Section 1
The term Band shall include the following ensembles: Marching Showcase, Concert Band, Percussion, Color Guard, Beginning Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Rock 101
Section 2
The term Choir/Drama shall include the following ensembles: A Cappella, Concert Choir, Advanced Treble, Beginning Choir, and Drama Club
Section 1
The officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President/Band, Vice-President/Choir & Drama, Secretary/Band, Secretary/Choir & Drama, and Treasurer.
Section 2
A Nominating Committee of three (3) members shall be appointed by the President on or before the March meeting of each year. The Chairman of this committee shall be designated by the President. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be given and acted upon at the April meeting. Names shall not be permitted on the slate without the consent of the nominee.
Section 3
The following procedure shall be followed in the election of officers:
· The President shall call for the report of the Nominating Committee.
· The President shall then ask for nominations from the floor.
· Nominations must be closed by a motion from the floor.
· If there are nominations from the floor, the election shall be by written ballot.
A majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election.
Section 4
Officers shall be installed at the May regular meeting.
Section 5
A vacancy in any office shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 6
No individual may hold any one office for more than two (2) elected terms, consecutive or not consecutive. The Association has six (6) elected officers, and therefore an individual may be an officer of the Association for a period up to 12 years by serving in all of the positions.
Section 1
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; shall appoint Standing Committees along with the Vice Presidents; and shall perform such other duties as the office requires.
Section 2
A Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall serve as aide to the President. The Vice-Presidents will preside over the specified Band or Choir & Drama meetings; become members of subsequent committees; appoint Standing Committees along with the President.
Section 3
The Secretaries shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and their divisions; shall have custody of all books and records pertaining to the business of the Association and their divisions except those of the Treasurer; shall take care of all correspondence and notify each Committee Chairman of his/her appointment.
Section 4
The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Band (Choir Director shall maintain Choir/Drama Activity Fund); shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures; turn in a complete financial report to the Performing Arts Directors, itemizing every receipt and disbursement, on or before the 15th day of every month. The Band Director will submit this report to the Superintendent before the 20th of each month. The Treasurer shall pay out local funds only as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Association. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the Association and at other times when requested by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer is also responsible for managing the Student Point Fund. This includes keeping a master list of students and their point totals. Information will be provided by Fundraising Chairs. The Treasurer’s accounts shall be audited annually.
Section 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association and the Performing Arts Directors.
Section 2
The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
- To transact necessary business in the intervals between the regular meetings and other such business as may be referred to it by the Association.
- To approve in advance the work and projects of the Standing Committees.
- To propose to the Association a plan of necessary expenses. These expenses will be subject to the approval of the Association.
- To approve routine bills within the limits of the budget.
The Executive Committee shall meet during the school year as necessary and to make recommendations as seem advisable. Official action requires a majority vote of Executive Committee present.
Section 1
A regular meeting of the PAB shall be held on the first Monday of each month during the months of September through May beginning at 7:00 pm. Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Five days’ notice should be given for each special meeting. Where a regular meeting falls on a school holiday, the meeting may be canceled or scheduled for the following Monday, based upon the decision of the Executive Committee.
Section 2
The Band and Choir/Drama Divisions will meet separately during a portion of the scheduled meeting. This time will be used to discuss information that is specific to each division. Additionally, the PAB will convene to discuss matters which pertain to the Performing Arts department.
Section 3
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern this Association in all decisions in which they are applicable.
Section 1
There shall be such Standing Committees as are necessary to conduct the business and programs of the Association.
Section 2
The President and Vice Presidents shall appoint the Chairmen and members of the Standing Committees as soon as possible after election. The Executive Committee may aid the Officers in these appointments.
Section 3
Recommended committees for the PAB are Publicity, Uniform, two Hospitality, Equipment, and Fund Raising.
Section 1
Funds of this Association shall be obtained from such projects as may be approved by Centralia High School Superintendent, the Association Executive Committee, and as approved by the Association.
Section 2
There will be two separate checking accounts for band funds and student points as well as a CHS Activity Fund for Choir & Drama. All expenditures from the Band General Fund and Student Point accounts shall require the approval of a Performing Arts Director and the signature of the Treasurer and one other Officer. Bank statements are to be mailed by the bank each month to the school. The Performing Arts Directors shall open and review the statement prior to delivery to the Treasurer for reconciliation. The purpose of this procedure is to allow an independent party to verify that two signatures have been placed upon each check and that deposits are being made timely.
Section 1
Unless otherwise approved, all fundraiser funds will be divided as such. 2/3rds profit goes to the student’s points and 1/3rd profit goes to the general funds.
Section 2
Large event fundraisers will be done as a PAB. General funds will be divided based on the number of participants from each group. Students who participate in multiple groups will have their general funds split between Band and Choir/Drama.
Section 3
Each group may partake in smaller fundraisers separate from the PAB. This will provide students with multiple fundraising options. General Fund profits will go towards the respective groups.
Section 1
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a majority vote of members present provided the proposed changes have been presented in writing by the Executive Committee and read to the members in a regular meeting of the Association not less than thirty (30) days prior to the time of voting the change.
Section 2
These By-Laws were last revised on the 8th day of September, 2014.